Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An ardent Hindu denounces the HAF report on caste

You are by now familiar with the ill-conceived report on caste by HAF. The report received a lot of criticism as soon as it was released due to the following reasons:
  1. The report is blatantly anti-Hindu and is full of factual errors.
  2. It repeats the Christian missionary and Marxist propaganda.
  3. It perverts our sacred bhakti traditions and scriptures in a shocking manner.
  4. The HAF has reversed its own earlier stance during the CA textbook lawsuit.
  5. The report is endorsed, and was likely influenced, by white Christian academics that have openly declared that while caste is a Hindu problem the solution should come from other religions too. This is what missionaries have always urged. Now the HAF is agreeing with missionaries.

The HAF claimed that many Hindu swamijis have endorsed the report. But when the contents of the report were shown to the swamijis they were shocked and many of them issued directives asking the HAF to withdraw the report. I do not know why the HAF tried to manipulate our swamijis in the first place.

The HAF reached out to Vishal Agarwal, Krishnan Ramaswamy, and me to provide revisions. I understand that they reached out to a few others as well. I do not have organizational affiliations. My interest is dharma. So, I will work with any organization for the sake of dharma. In this case, since it was important to correct the report, I volunteered to revise it. I made it clear that the report requires substantive changes. Vishal, Krishnan, and I highlighted in red all sections of the report that needed revision effectively turning the report red.

A few days into the process, the HAF informed me that they are only looking for cosmetic changes and not anything substantive. I have been insistent from the very beginning that any discussion on caste discrimination should be factual and should contrast Hindu achievements with the rampant apartheid prevalent in American churches and Christian terrorism since no one has done more than Hindus to correct social inequities. The HAF informed that they will not allow any criticism of the white Christian establishments in this report. The HAF also issued a news item in the news media insulting our swamijis. These were unacceptable to me. I refused to provide any further edits to the report.

I am currently writing a critique of the HAF report. My critique will be titled, “Caste: a HAF-baked lamentation.” It will be released soon and will show why this report is harmful to Hindus. It is with a lot of sadness that I am writing this critique as it is directed at the HAF which has served Hinduism well in the past but has failed us this time.

It is imperative that Hindus publicly dissociate themselves from this report so that the report cannot harm Hindu interests. An open dissociation will preclude HAF from claiming to be a representative of Hindus on the issue of caste. I do not know what compulsions made:

  1. The HAF to partner with anti-Hindu organizations such as Navyashastra to issue this report. Navyashastra has disseminated the call to burn the Ramayana and the Mahabharata and to have a UN tribunal put Hinduism on trial.
  2. The Human Rights Coordinator of the HAF to declare that the Ramayana is a racist narrative.
  3. The HAF repeat anti-Hindu propaganda by Christian missionaries as if they are facts.

The HAF has been secretive about their purpose in releasing this report. I presume that one of the intended purposes is to get the HAF an admission into one of the human rights bodies of the US State department. The HAF cannot sacrifice larger Hindu interests just to get themselves into a human rights body. If taking an anti-Hindu position is a precondition to enter these bodies, Hindu organizations should stay away from those bodies.

Many Hindus in India have raised a valid question, echoing the famous lines of Subrahmanya Bharati: “What right do these foreigners have to interfere into our affairs?” I second that. The HAF is an American organization. They refuse to talk about egregious religious apartheid and segregation in the American churches which are neatly divided into black, white, Hispanic, and Chinese churches. But they are eager to portray Hinduism negatively and to pontificate to Indians.

It is also very shameful that the HAF should, willingly or otherwise, end up as an instrument of the US State department and its agencies that are set to evangelize India.
It is with sadness that I denounce this report publicly. I hope the HAF will make amends. I hope Krishnan and Vishal will continue to provide revisions and that the HAF will incorporate those.

The HAF created this problem. They have to now solve it. This is also a wakeup call for other Hindus to found organizations that would represent them without sacrificing the Hindu interests.


Kalavai Venkat


  1. Thanks for the brave stand on a controversial & contentious issue which shouldn'tve got started in the first place.

  2. HAF is un-hindu the way they are dealing with a half-baked haf "report", dishonest dealings with ardent Hindu scholars and has ceased to represent the Hindu cause. HAF is playing into the hands of the Dominus Jesus operatives. HAF has not cared to consult with the Hindu samajam as directed by many acharya-s. I would strongly suggest that HAF should be disbanded and cease to claim privileges under 501(c).

    S. Kalyanaraman

  3. I applaud your courage and committment to Dharma in refusing to be co-opted by HAF's sham of a "review and rewrite" process. I eagerly look forward to your full critique!

  4. I cannot but agree with the consensus building regarding the damage from HAF's
    activities... the support given to them earlier by many of us for their work is
    no longer valid.... Rather than asking them to disband which is wishful
    thinking... ? They are of nuisance value, without much teeth (Their position on
    Varna and Jati is an example of their caputulation and their Inability to stand
    up to for the community against opposing forces) ... other than making some PR
    noices in some blogs.....and as long as some guillible hindu is out there doling
    out... eventually non-support from the community will yield the desired
    results...Also, as a community we should ensure that they are bracketed along
    with Navyashastra an anti-hindu outfit, to be treated along the same
    lines......as any other anti-hindu outfit would be dealt with.....

  5. Kudos to real Hindus such as Kalavai Venkat, Kalyanaraman and Rajiv Malhotra for exposing the wicked activities of the half-baked HAF.

    It is amply clear by now that HAF has sold its soul for a few pennies and 15 minutes of fame. (Actually, it is living in a fool's paradise dreaming of the pennies and 15 minutes of fame; it ain't getting any from white man who will discard it like toilet paper once his work is done.)

    Like countless traitors in the past, HAF has chosen to pawn, nay, stab its own mother in order to "get ahead". Now the truth is out.

    Actually, the true nature of HAF was well known to those sincere Hindu activists who were involved with the textbook lawsuit and other important issues.

    Rather than doing any real work to further the Hindu cause, HAF has always been more interested in getting credit, and positioning itself as the SOLE representative of the Hindus. Mihir Meghani was always just happy to be photographed with the local councilor (leave alone congressman), and seeing his name appear in a corner of a small-town newspaper.

    By its own stupidity and arrogance, HAF has now buried itself 20 feet under the ground. Long may it remain there!!!

  6. Kalavai,
    Let me play the devil's advocate. I am not involved with HAF and I only perused through their 'report' - admittedly only a cursory reading. With this disclaimer, here are some objections/questions that HAF may raise against your critique. Some thing for you to think about:
    1. You lament that our report does not talk about Christian apartheid. Why shoud we do that? As our name indicates, we are HINDU American Foundation and we are interested only in Hindu affairs.
    2. Are you claiming that caste system is not a Hindu problem? If so, you are turning a blind eye to the elephant in the room. If not, we both are in agreement. Someone should take a stand against caste based discrimination and we are exactly doing that. Why are you attacking us for having such a noble intention?


  7. Amsh,

    You are wrong. It is not a Hindu problem. Your ignorance shows because there are "lower castes" in Christianity and Islam. Google for "Dalit Christians" and you will see what I mean. In fact, while Hindu saints come from all castes, there is not one Christian dead body that is worshipped and which is from a "lower caste." You are trying to propagate Christian myths here.

    While Hindus have worked for the uplift of people of all castes, Christians and Muslims hate the idea of giving people from "lower castes" admission into their colleges.

    Besides, Hindu texts do not contain anything about treating people as untouchables while the Bible contains a number of verses related to pollution, outcasts, etc.

  8. "By its own stupidity and arrogance, HAF has now buried itself 20 feet under the ground." How true! HAF should apply for the Darwin Award and when it gets the award, Mihir Meghani's wish will be fulfilled as his name will appear in a small-town newspaper!

  9. Are there any specific criticisms on this blog? I read some ad hominem attacks on Dr. Mihir Meghani. This sound like a personal vendetta and are inappropriate. Has anyone on this blog successfully appeared in a newspaper defending Hinduism, even a small-town newspaper.

    The blog claims the report states "caste is a Hindu problem the solution should come from other religions too. This is what missionaries have always urged. Now the HAF is agreeing with missionaries." The Caste Report says the opposite.

  10. Read the blog again - Kalavai mentions he is writing a critique. This blog appears to be a prelude to that and an explanation on why a former supporter is now denouncing HAF.

  11. Every language has a vocabulary derived entirely from the back-ground culture.European culture can not have words to represent themes and concepts that are originaly exclusively and entirely Indian.English educated Indians will find it difficult to understand those themes which they would have heard only through the missionary interpretations spread through what is popularly known as 'education'. That is a fundamnetal problem, non-acknowledgement of which results in problems like the current one.
    "Caste", I understand is of portugese origine. Does that mean "jaati" ? "Varna" luckily didnt have to bear a European misnomer.
    Problems are not Jati or varna. It is the interpretation by those who donot know about it. There were wrong-interpretations by those who probably knew it, but for some selfish gains they spread untruth. When "psudo seculsrists say that Islam is a peaceful religion, and Talibanism is a wrong interpretation of it, almost all mainstream media accept it. It is the mis-interpretation of Varna that happened originally due to ignorance and then due to the buddhists that resulted in disintegration of Hindu society. jati became prominent as a descriptive word for individual's classification only after the anarchy created by buddists.
    I wish HAF can do better things for Hindus, they are capable, but not in suggesting such things.
    We dont have to blame each other. Let us see, what we can do the best for the society, instead of contradicting efforts of others. The way Tata was inspired by swamy Vivekananda to do his might for the nation, HAF must, if their office bearers are humble enough, approach some visionary seers to locate and identify their best role. Suggestions...? Yes there can be many, but I am not the person to give.A well meaning reaction to include all in the fold of Hinduism. If you beleive you are a Hindu, you are. That is the basic premise I work with. Anybody can become a Hindu- unlike what Gandhiji thought.
